Accomplished Shoppers
TYPES The giftcard purchaser, predominantly male. Immense gratitude for conversion of capital. CA$H to Plastic. Mission accomplished.
The mother-in-law gift return for store credit. Annoyingly negative. Resentment accomplished.
The aching back luxury return w/o receipt demanding CA$H. Possibly Fixed. Over accomplished.
The fur coat instantaneous rewriter of history for the last plastic popcorn maker must have exclusive purchase. "Bully Bar" ...accomplished.
The "cut your losses" complainer finance guy who's children's nanny (babysitter) ruins the non-stick pans making Mac & Cheese with a metal spoon. Silver spoons? "They WILL never learn, they're not educated." His bonus eye roll vs. charming wink desperately needed to ease the painful pretension inspires a trip down to visit the inventory boyz. VERY accomplished.
The gold toothed sister with big hair head wrap shops the store to choose her annual gift for her pastor. During our register transaction she declares that she must tell the manager how nice I have treated her. Originals attract.
The ongoing shopper who decides at THE REGISTER with side view and in full view of THE LINE, which consists of 33 of her former compatriots. The line is waiting vs. The amount of time in the line. The line starts here. The buck stops here. Passive Power accomplished.
#BORING FONTS CLUB (Instagram re:Art Direction)